Article 16 State enterprises have decision-making power with regard to operation and management within the limits prescribed by law, on condition that they submit to unified leadership by the state and fulfil all their obligations under the state plan. 第十六条国营企业在服从国家的统一领导和全面完成国家计划的前提下,在法律规定的范围内,有经营管理的自主权。
Article 17 Collective economic organizations have decision-making power in conducting independent economic activities, on condition that they accept the guidance of the state plan and abide by the relevant laws. 第十七条集体经济组织在接受国家计划指导和遵守有关法律的前提下,有独立进行经济活动的自主权。
We will further simplify examination and approval procedures, and give enterprises decision-making power over their overseas investments. 进一步简化各类审批手续,落实企业境外投资自主权。
Second, havingthe ability to expand production and the decision-making power; andthird. 第二,有扩大再生产的能力和自主权;
The allocation structure of decision-making power of budget adjustment mainly depends on budget supervision orientation of the legislature. 预算调整决策权配置结构主要取决于立法机构的预算监督导向。
Only when decision-making power is shared, is the share of public investment higher. Real rights of security can be divided into mortgage, pledge, lien, priority, etc. 只有真正实现决策权分担以后,公共支出中用于公共投资的比例才会增加。在担保物权制度中,以担保方式的不同可分为抵押权、留置权、优先权、质权等。
Similarly, how lives gets what one deserves continues, the option in you, the decision-making power lies in you! 同样,生活该怎样继续,选择权在你,决定权还是在于你!
At the same time, local policies must be subordinate to the central policy decision-making power is always limited, a feature that also is bound to be at the local policy-making pattern reflected. 同时,地方政策必须从属于中央政策,其决策权总是有限的,这一特点也必然要在地方政策决策模式中反映出来。
Research and development institutions shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, enjoy decision-making power in their conduct of research and development, production management, use of funds, institutional setup and personnel recruitment. 研究开发机构依照国家有关规定享有研究开发、产经营、费使用、构设置、员聘用等方面的自主权。
Traditionally, men hold decision-making power in Maasai society. 传统上,马赛部族的决定权掌握在男性手中。
Research on Regulatory Recycling Decision-making of Renewable Resources As they have become economically independent, Chinese women have gained more management and decision-making power in principal family and economic matters. 循环经济发展中的家庭再生资源规范回收决策经济的独立,使妇女赢得了对家庭重大事务的管理决策权。
Xia does not have decision-making power as an advisor to the central bank, but does provide input to the policy-making process. 夏作为央行的委员之一,他并没有实际的决定权,但是他却可以在政策制定过程中提供意见。
On the Reform of Decision-Making Power Lowering in British& American Compulsory Education; If we decentralize, the provinces will have more autonomy. 论英美两国义务教育领域的自主权下放改革我们把权力下放,各省就有更多的自主权。
Not only they have certain property rights and the right to control, but also has to the family member and the family important business related decision-making power. 她们不仅有一定的财产所有权和支配权,还有对家庭成员及家庭重要事务的相关决策权。
They have become important entities with independent economic interests and decentralized decision-making power. 地方政府已成为具有独立经济利益和分散决策权的重要主体。
As one ally puts it, ( 3) Dick is beyond PR. Only when decision-making power is shared, is the share of public investment higher. 正如切尼的一位支持者所说,迪克没有处理好公共关系。只有真正实现决策权分担以后,公共支出中用于公共投资的比例才会增加。
On the basis of digesting imported advanced technology from abroad and making innovation, they developed a series of innovative technologies with decision-making power patents. 在吸收从国外引进的先进技术和创新基础之上,他们开发了一系列有决策权的专利技术。
Respect and Safeguard the Senior Citizen's Independent Decision-making Power 论高龄者自主决定权的尊重及其保障
The parent company retains more decision-making power. 母公司拥有更多的决策权力。
Towards University Autonomy& A Review on Russian Reform of Enlarging University Decision-making Power 走向大学自治&俄罗斯扩大高等学校自主权的改革述评
"Improve the investment environment by providing the local governments with greater decision-making power to examine and approve projects involving foreign investment, completing related laws and regulations, and improving management and efficiency" 改善投资环境,放宽利用外资建设项目的审批权,健全法制,改善管理,提高办事效率
Firstly, the decision-making power of the public medical institutions should be enlarged. 首先,公共医疗机构的决策权应该加强。
Even at Hong Kong companies, which have acquired at least some of the trappings of western corporations – independent non-executive directors, annual shareholders 'meetings – final decision-making power always rests with the family. 即使在已经具备了一些西方公司特征(独立非执行董事和年度股东大会)的香港公司,最终的决策权也一直掌握在家族手中。
Therefore joyful is not joyful, the option in you, the decision-making power also lies in you! 所以快乐还是不快乐,选择权在你,决定权也在于你!
Owing to the specialties of themselves, colleges and universities shall enjoy decision-making power in their school running. 高等学校由于其本身的特点,在办学中必然要享有办学自主权。
Enlarge ( or increase) the decision-making power of state-owned enterprises; expand ( or extend) the power of state-run enterprises in management; give the state-owned enterprises a Bigger say in management Entrepreneurs are at liberty to enter or depart. 扩大国有企业自主权企业家可以自由进出。
The founder of the team has the power of final interpretation and decision-making power. 球队组建者保留任何最终解释权及决定权。
I assure you that, in any case, we should continue to give enterprises more decision-making power, because this helps us to expand production. 我肯定,扩大企业自主权,这一条无论如何要坚持,这有利于发展生产。
So regulations that check and make transparent the actions of those given decision-making power will also be needed. 因此,有必要制定一系列规章制度来制约这些决策者,并保证他们的所作所为是公开透明的。
We will deepen comprehensive education reform and actively and prudently reform the school examination and enrollment systems. We will expand the responsibility of provincial-level governments over local education, give institutions of higher learning more decision-making power, and encourage the development of private schools. 深化教育综合改革,积极稳妥改革考试招生制度,扩大省级政府教育统筹权和高校办学自主权,鼓励发展民办学校。